Chennai, India Magzter has signed up as a Platinum Sponsor for Publishing Business Conference & Expo, a three-day conference scheduled from April 04 to April 06, 2011 in New York, U.S.A. The Publishing Business Conference and Expo is America’s largest event for book and magazine publishing. A platform for the publishing world to meet and discuss on pressing issues faced by the industry, the Conference & Expo is an annual event produced by Publishing Executive and Book Business magazines. Indeed, an event that brings together industry leaders and innovators of the publishing world.
More than 100 expert speakers and 70+ exhibitors are expected to take part in the event this year. Magzter has signed up as a Platinum Sponsor for this event and is also one of the exhibitors in the Expo.
Magzter is an innovative product for the digital era from Dot Com Infoway’s mobile division, DCI Mobile Studios. It helps publishers take their magazines across a host of mobile devices and platforms like the iPhone, the iPad, Android, Tablet PCs, BlackBerry, MacBook etc. It gives an interactive new age touch to magazines without compromising on the lustrous reading experience that most magazine lovers cherish. The product recently opened up for pre-launch registration. Many publishers around the world have already signed up for it in order to make their mark in the digital world.
While commenting on being a Platinum Sponsor for the event, Mr. C.R. Venkatesh, CEO of Dot Com Infoway said, “We feel this would be the right place to introduce Magzter to the world. Given the platform of the Expo and the participants, we hope to get an extraordinary response for Magzter.” Mr. Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan, CTO of DCI added, “There would be a lot of discussions on E-books, E-publishing, digital book printing in the Conference and Magzter deserves its place here!”
This year’s agenda for Publishing Business Conference and Expo has a variety of topics including, “Facebook: How to Tap the Real Opportunity”, “Marketing E-books: Your Guide to Growing Your Market”, “Advanced SEO for Magazine Publishers: Maximize the Success of your Program”, “Digital Book Printing Forum” etc.
Dot Com Infoway’s DCI Mobile Studios is already one of the topmost mobile app development companies in India. Now, with Magzter and this Conference, the company is going to make its presence felt worldwide. With Magzter in Publishing Business Conference and Expo, one would expect global players in the publishing industry to make the most of the opportunity.
Media Contact:
Name: C. R. Venkatesh
Phone: +91-452-2522257
About Magzter
Magzter is a digital newsstand that aims at redefining the way we read magazines in this digital era. It provides interactive digital magazine, on an easy to use interface. It offers both standard reading experience as well as interactive digital reading experience. Readers can browse magazines like they would do on paper and select articles and read them like any other digital content or web pages.
About Dot Com Infoway
Dot Com Infoway (DCI) is a multi-national information technology company and a leader in custom software development, mobile application development and iPhone application development with offices in India, the United States and Netherlands. An ISO 9001:2000 certified multi-disciplined professional IT service company, DCI is a Microsoft Gold Partner and a proud member of the prestigious NASSCOM and STPI.