10 Advanced On-Page SEO Techniques To Boost Your Website Traffic

10 Advanced On-Page SEO Techniques To Boost Your Website Traffic

There’s nothing more essential than on-page SEO when it comes to attaining more of that coveted website traffic. As any on-page SEO company will tell you involves making sure that you tick every fundamental checkbox such as content, titles, meta tags, anchor text, and internal links so the search engines will love your site.Normally, you can’t get there if you limit yourself to the basics. You have to level up to advanced on-page SEO to compete against the top competitors. That’s exactly what we’ll talk about here – proven SEO strategies that get you the results that you actually want.
Advanced on page seo

What On-Page SEO Is Really About?

Every page of your website has the potential to be visited and engaged with by a person looking for information or a product or service. As such, past the “prettying up” that you do through your content creation, it’s also just as important to optimize them for search engines. 

What is on-page SEO then? It’s the process of making adjustments to crucial on-page SEO factors mentioned above and applying specific strategies that will improve each page relative to those integral elements. How those techniques are where advanced on-page SEO comes in. 

But, first, let’s take a deeper look at the factors that the said strategies are based on in the first place.

On-Page SEO Factors You Should Always Be Mindful Of

If you ever think of onsite SEO, these are the elements that should immediately enter your mind. On the whole, this on-page SEO checklist is derived from Google’s own on-page SEO best practices (because, in the end, every website builder wants one thing: the Big G’s favor and close to unlimited traffic potential).

on page seo factors

Establishing Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T)

Ensuring you demonstrate all these puts you on the right track. Content plays a key role in showcasing these factors to your audience and search engines through quality and relevance. Incorporating internal links further strengthens on-page signals.

This is arguably one of the most important organic SEO techniques. Some will say, it’s better to build backlinks. But, by prioritizing E-E-A-T, you mitigate the risk of penalties that may cause you to lose traffic overnight. It paves the way to long-term success. 

Incorporating Target Keywords

Another must-do among SEO techniques, placing keywords that align with queries tells search engines what your content is all about and whether it’s able to provide relevant answers. 

This is why it’s crucial to include your target keywords, in the headings, body, meta description, and other parts of your content to basically send those signals to Google. Remember that more than 90% of searches online begin with keywords.  

Crafting Optimized Content

You want your audience to want to read your content. This is why it’s a great idea to be concise in your sentences and paragraphs to boost readability.Avoid overstuffing your posts with keywords and use bulleted lists and subheadings where possible to break down your points. 

Leveraging Visual Content

Images, videos, and infographics enhance the visual appeal of any page while complementing other on-page SEO elements by offering more opportunities to boost SEO.  For example:

  • Complement text with eye-catching images and videos.
  • Optimize file sizes to ensure faster page load times.
  • Make images immediately shareable to encourage backlinks.

Utilizing Meta Title & Description

An experienced digital marketing company will always tell you that the title tag and meta description you use serve to support other on-page elements of your pages. You can place your keywords in them, after all, and descriptions can make or break your click-through rates (CTRs). 

Boosting Site Speed

This is an integral part of Google’s Core Web Vitals, which sets a minimum threshold for page loading time that you should always meet. Steps you can include optimizing images, using compression, reducing redirects, etc.

Even a seemingly slight increase of 0.1 seconds can already boost conversion by a little over 8%. 

Prioritizing Responsive Design

One of the highly sought-after on-page SEO services is UI/UX. Having a responsive design is but one of their priorities because mobile devices now account for more than half of internet usage. Mobile-friendliness automatically translates to site responsiveness nowadays, so don’t overlook it.

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The Best Advanced SEO Techniques for a Successful Website in 2023

Without further ado, here are the advanced SEO techniques that tie in with the latest SEO Trends & Tactics

 1. Establish Topic Clusters

Topic clusters are composed of interconnected articles that are basically about a main topic. Usually, it involves creating a pillar page that targets a broad topic, and related content links to and from the former. This boosts your page’s relevance and proves your expertise and authority in your niche. 

2. Optimize Your Internal Linking Strategy

One of the overlooked on-page SEO techniques, internal linking is the practice of adding links within your pages, especially the ones that are topically relevant to one another. Use descriptive anchor text that matches the user’s search intent, which, in turn, is based on the page’s primary keyword. Analyze the pages that get the most links and redistribute link authority (i.e. link back) to related pages to make them more visible. 

3. Prepare an SEO-Centric Content Strategy

This is one of the most Effective SEO Tips for Startups because, ultimately, SEO content writing is entirely different from any kind of writing. Doing this gives your content creation efforts its much-needed direction from the get-go and going forward. 

One of the ideal steps you can take is to develop content clusters that will revolve around cornerstone content. That content will, in turn, be supported by related topics. This also involves keyword mapping and the use of relevant tools to track your keywords over time. 

4. Expand Your Search Presence With FAQ Schema Markup

Incorporating FAQ schema markup allows you to maximize your SERP position. This on-page SEO strategy aims to ensure that your answer is prominently featured in the search engine results pages (SERPs), often as drop-down questions. It is particularly effective when your content is structured in a question-and-answer format.

5. Aim To Be in Featured Snippets

In the SERPs, the highest ranking isn’t position one but position zero. We have featured snippets to thank for that, which account for over 35% of clicks. You have to know how to be featured, though.

Usually, it involves pinpointing keywords that generate featured snippets in platforms like the Keyword Magic Tool. You have to take the time to make a list of these keywords and analyze how your competition is optimizing for them (or not). 

6. Keep Your Best Performers Fresh

Google hates stagnant content and loves ones that get updated regularly. Refreshing images, eliminating outdated information, citing recent research, checking for broken links, updating internal links, and incorporating new keywords all send the relevancy signal.

7. Continue To Optimize With A/B Testing

Advanced SEO requires regular steps you need to take and one of them will always be A/B testing. Search engines constantly release updates, after all, and chances are, you never end up with optimal setup from the get-go. 

This is why you have to be willing to experiment, and usually, your methods vary based on your main objectives – whether it’s to boost conversions, generate leads, increase engagement, etc. 

8. Enhance Engagement With Diverse Visuals

Visual elements capture attention better than text, and losing out on them means losing out on a great proportion of possible traffic. Diversifying only means not relying solely on static images. Feel free to use GIFs, animations, and videos. 

9. Resolve Keyword Cannibalization for Targeted Intent

Keyword cannibalization arises because you end up creating multiple pages with basically similar intent. This is a no-no since it’s always best to serve different intents, even if you’re targeting the same keyword on multiple pages. 

Signs of cannibalization include URLs fluctuating in the SERPs, unstable rankings, difficulty in improving ranking, or inappropriate URLs ranking for certain keywords. 

People hire an SEO Agency or a third-party service just to do this properly. 

10. Gain Insights From Log File Analysis

The last advanced on-page SEO you can’t miss out on is log file analysis. By doing this you can identify how the crawl budget is being utilized and pinpoint areas of wastage, identify causes of crawl errors, and discover pages not being crawled frequently. 


Implementing advanced on-page SEO techniques is crucial for boosting website traffic. By staying updated with the latest SEO techniques, you’ll always be able to leverage them for the betterment of your website. Take note that continuous implementation is always warranted, especially in this ever-evolving digital landscape.

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