9 Steps to Build an Engaging Facebook Page for Your Mobile App
When most people think of building an engaging Facebook page for their mobile app, they do not consider what the actual work entails. There are many arbitrary ‘social media marketers’ out there, peddling their apparent marketing skills without actually having any real skills. Building an engaging Facebook page for a mobile app takes a considerable amount of research and planning. Part of this research involves actually understanding the platform itself and how it works, the regulations and what typifies a trendy subject or page. Here are 9 steps to get you started:
1. Claim your Brand & Vanity URL
There is nothing as messy and as unflattering like trying to promote your mobile app Facebook page using a long and cluttered URL. It’s just unsightly and simply off putting. Facebook has made it possible for promoters to shorten their page URLs and customize them. There is a step by step guide provided by Facebook on how to do this. The end result will be something neat and appealing like say, ‘facebook.com/yourmobileappname’. This greatly enhances your brand awareness and is neat and tidy enough to please the potential user’s eyes.
2. Cover Picture and Profile Image is Your Introduction. Use it Well.
Your cover image is your ‘big highway billboard’, so to speak. This is prime real estate as far as Facebook is concerned. This is the first thing your page visitors will notice. Make it count. Make it striking and highly engaging. Human beings are highly visual creatures. Having a profile image that positively promotes your mobile app is your best shot at keeping them interested.- Cover image should be 851x315px and keep the texts to a minimum. No more than 20%- Upload a clear profile image and in the ‘about section’ be sure to include your web address/app store link!
3. Facebook Social Plugins to Enhance Your Brand Awareness
Social media has now gone across the board to other platforms. Adding Facebook social plugins to your website and more importantly in your app goes a very long way to increase your brand awareness. Plugins such as the like button, send button, comment button, and login button all work to your advantage. The login button for example shows the user just how many of their friends are already your ‘fans’ on Facebook. The ‘like button’ on the other hand allows your users to share your content with everyone of their friends with just one click
4. Facebook Ads to Build and Improve Your Initial Fan Base
To get people to ‘Like’ your page and ultimately mobile app, you need to first entice them with great Facebook ads. This raises the awareness and increase your fan base. Another thing about humans is that crowd mentality always sways us. The more fans you have, the more other people will want to be your fans. If only not to get left out! One of the best Facebook Ads to use here are the ‘engagement Ads’. These are Ads that allow the user to participate without navigating to respective page. The fact that the fan can like the page without having to move to a respective one makes it much easier for more people to participate and should they actually click the Ad itself, then you can direct them to a page that features your mobile App.
5. Share Viral Video & Images Related to the App
We go back to the fact that we are visual creatures. Sharing a viral video or several promoting your mobile app is one of the best ways to keep your Facebook page for mobile app engaging. People like watching short videos as long as you keep them, short, interesting and educative.
6. Promote Your Page Using Give-aways/Gifts/Promo-codes
This is one of the surest way to get people talking and excited about your page. As long as there is more in it for them than just the information your trying to put across, your page will be flooded by people trying to get the free give-aways. The promo-codes go a long way in exposing your mobile app.
7. Keep Your Users Engaged with Regular Updates and Answer Them
Content is King. Always update your Facebook page with fresh informative material related to your mobile app. It might be a news on app update, features and so on. This keeps your users engaged and by answering and responding to their comments, it gives them the feel of belonging. This interaction helps strengthen your brand image.
8. Network with the Other Page Admins and Get Your Viral Content Shared
To improve your exposure, find other page admins that have related material and thus targeted traffic. Share with them your videos and images and vice versa. This cross-promotion doubles your traffic and increases your brand awareness.
9. Use Facebook Insights to Monitor and Track to Plan Ahead
In order to tweak your page accordingly, you need to first know what works and what doesn’t. By using Facebook insights, like ‘page and post exports’, you will greatly understand how your visitors are using your page and thus adjust accordingly.
Finally, always be sure to adhere to Facebook’s ‘Terms and Conditions’. Failure to do so will result in your page being shut down thus rendering all this moot.