Infographic: How to Perfectly Optimize Your Website for Google?

Infographic: How to Perfectly Optimize Your Website for Google?


Since it became the preferred search engine of the world, Search Engine Optimization has always really meant optimizing for Google. Even now, the Big G dominates the World of Search, occupying 92.19% of the market share worldwide and imperiously shoving aside its not-so-close competitors Bing and Yahoo. Even now, it is still king.

It goes without saying, then, that perfectly optimizing your website for Google is still the best course of action for plenty of business owners and webmasters. Of course, as you are probably already aware, Google is no simple search engine anymore. Handling roughly 3.5 billion searches a day, it’s no surprise that Google has evolved and is still rapidly growing to this day.

Nowadays, there are already different types of search results you should learn more about and be mindful of to get as many slices of the traffic pie for your website as you can. From local search to featured snippets, these are but some of the other viable ways you can acquire highly targeted traffic for your site.

Of course, organic traffic is still important and the Battle of the SERPs is just as ferocious as it was the moment it was first waged. And it is growing fiercer by the second in thousands of niches worldwide. The key is to learn how to impeccably optimize your website for these different kinds of search results.

That said, let this infographic be your guide to doing so. It has been prepared by no less than the best SEO professionals in our digital marketing team, who have been in the industry for so long. Rest assured that they already know the ins and outs of optimizing websites for every type of search results currently available. And this infographic speaks for them.

Google SERP Types Infographic

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Why Google?

Search Engine Market Share Worldwide:

  • Google: 92.19%
  • Bing: 2.61%
  • Yahoo: 1.85%
  • Baidu: 1.21%
  • Yandex RU: 0.55%
  • DuckDuckGo: 0.54%

Google Search Data

  • 3.5 billion searches per day
  • 40,000 queries per second
  • The volume of Google searches grows by roughly 10% every year

Types of Search Results:

  • Local Search
  • Featured Snippet
  • Organic
  • Knowledge Graph Panel

Optimization for Local Search Results

“4 in 5 consumers use search engines to find local information”

1. Ensure that the site is fully mobile-friendly

  • 30% of mobile searches are location-related
  • 76% of local searches result in a phone call
  • nine out of ten smartphone users conduct local searches on their devices
  • By 2021, mobile devices will influence more than $1.4 trillion in local sales

2. Build backlinks from the relevant and high-authority local sites

3. Focus on location-specific keyword optimization

  • “Near me” or “close by” type searches grew by more than 900% over two years

4. Add address on the footer with relevant Schema/Markup

5. Improve search visibility with Google My Business Listings

  • 32% of people clicked on the Google maps results while rest on organic results/paid ads
  • 86% of people look up the location of a business on Google Maps

Optimization for Featured Snippet Results

“Content with featured snippet gets a 2X higher %CTR”

“Though you’re not in #1 position, 70% of snippets come from sites that aren’t in the #1 position”

“8.6% of all clicks on SERP go to the snippet”

Types of Major Featured Snippets & Its Optimization

1. Paragraph

They usually answer questions that start with:

  • What is…?
  • Who is…?
  • Where is…?
  • Why is…?

Add the question in a subheading (with <h2> markup), and answer it in the text below (with <p> markup).

2. List

The contents that fits listicle format are:

  • Recipes
  • Guides
  • How-to’s
  • Step-by-step instructions

Outline the content in a list format with subheading tags (<h2>) to help Google understands the content

3. Table

This type of result is used for:

  • Data points
  • Pricing or rate charts
  • Comparison charts
  • Conversion charts

Structure the content in a table or chart format using appropriate table tags (<table>)

Semantic Optimization for Organic Results

“3.5 billion searches per day”

“15% of search queries are new to Google”

“50% of search queries are four words or longer”

Optimizing the content for collective topics that are connected, rather than single keywords:

  • Choose the target keyword
  • Find the semantically connected phrase to that keyword
  • Use the target keyword and that semantically connected phrases in the content
  • Rank for the target keyword and many related phrases

Optimization for Knowledge Graph Results

“Google is ready with 3.5 billion facts about half a million entities for appropriate search term”

  • Curate and structure the content of each page with metadata
  • Use schema markup for important facts on the site
  • Create a Wikipedia account and update information in it

Optimization for Voice Search Results

“By 2020, up to 50 percent of all search activity will be conducted by voice”

“By 2020, 30% of web browsing sessions will be done without a screen”

1. Concentrate on Page Load Speed

The average voice SERP loads in 4.6 seconds, which is 52 percent faster than the average page.

2. Concentrate On Local Searches

  • 22% of voice search queries are looking for location-based content.
  • 58% of consumers use voice search to find local businesses.

3. Aim for Featured Snippets

More than 40 percent of all voice-search answers were pulled from featured snippets.

4. Use Structured Data

5. Give Importance to Q&A Contents

Optimization for Google Lens Results

“85% of Americans use at least one of six devices, programs or services that feature AI elements”

  • Add strong logo on products, signage, and any other advertising media
  • Optimize image with descriptive alt tags, captions, and file names
  • Add more images on-site to raise the possibility of matching Google image

SEO is evolving every day. Invest your time in learning the fast-changing SEO trends to stay ahead of the competitors!

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