
Quora: Emerging Social Network

Quora has managed to attract lot of users, since it went public. It is said to be the biggest blogging innovation in ten years., an online knowledge market was founded by Facebook's former CTO  Adam D'Angelo. It was launched...


Facebook the Most Visited Site

Finally Facebook has beaten Google to become the most popular site in U.S. The study of two web track firms confirmed this. According to Experian Hitwise, Facebook accounted for 8.93 percent of all U.S. website visits in 2010, ahead of...


Skype Adds Video Calling to Its iPhone App

Skype has become a popular choice to stay connected with friends and family as it is free and comes with free video calling options. Its popularity among iPhone users became evident when it stood as one of the top...


Will 2011 be the Year of Android?

Pundits predict Google to rise again in 2011 with Android. At present Android holds second place in mobile platform market, next only to Nokia's Symbian. Next year Android may hear more good news. Google's Android saw a massive growth this...


Apple and Facebook Dominated 2010

Techies call 2010 as the year of Apple and Facebook. Both companies saw a huge growth this past year, earned billions of dollars and made a significant impact on the world. Let us begin with Apple. It launched the much...


No Firefox for iPhone

Mozilla Firefox will not be available on iPhone in the near future, according to a developer at Mozilla. Firefox is a much awaited app for iPhone users. However Mozilla would not release a full fledged browser for iPhone. While answering...


iTunes Store Gets Heavy Traffic in Christmas

Apple is having a very merry Christmas this year. The app downloads rose to the peak on Christmas, with many popular apps surpassing all past records. The sales of Apple products has surged during Christmas, thanks to iPhone and iPod...


Facebook’s Research on Status Messages

Facebook data analysis team has released its study on the status messages posted on the site and this report tells all about the relationship between status updates and social popularity of 1 million English speakers in U.S. The following facts...


Obama Sees Steve Jobs as an Example of American Dream

While reacting to a reporter's question U.S. president Barack Obama praised Steve Jobs as an example of American Dream. Apple founder Steve Jobs, has been enjoying limelight for past few years with the launch of innovative products like iPhone, iPad...

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