OpenAI unveils SearchGPT – A new way to search the web

OpenAI unveils SearchGPT – A new way to search the web


Are you familiar with Google search? Of course, you are. If you’re anything like us, you probably hop on to Google or Bing to look up anything and everything. Well, OpenAI has now unveiled its search engine, which will serve the same purpose – to get you fast and accurate answers from clear and relevant sources. It looks set to pile pressure on Google Search, which hogs 81.95% of the search engine desktop market, according to Statista. So what is SearchGPT and how will it work? Buckle up as we deep dive into the latest innovation that looks set to change the way we search the web.

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SearchGPT is basically a search engine that works pretty much the same way Google does. However, it also uses AI to help provide highly trustworthy answers from authoritative sources. 

OpenAI launched this prototype on Thursday. The ultimate goal is to integrate this into its now very popular ChatGPT chatbot. But before that can happen, the company is testing the waters on a limited group of users before they can enact more advanced implementation plans. 

Commenting on the technology, Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, was quite upbeat about their new project. He said the following in a post on X: 

“There’s a lot of room for improvement with search today, and I believe OpenAI will lead the way!” 

So essentially, SearchGPT is OpenAI’s answer to Google Search. It’s a special search engine that is set to revolutionize the way we search the web. But how exactly you ask? Get the full scoop below.

Unpacking the capabilities of SearchGPT

So far, SearchGPT is just a prototype, so it’s far from the finished deal. However, here’s a look at some of the features that we’ve dug up so far on what it can do:

1) Google-esque search bar

SearchGPT’s search bar looks much like Google’s. It even includes autocomplete suggestions to help you find more relevant results. In that manner, SearchGPT and Google Search are much alike.

You can type up any search query into the bar, and in an instant, you’ll get search results. Much like Google, these results also include a snippet of what the content is all about and links to the source of information.

2) Follow up questions

Imagine a friend told you they bought a car. Naturally, your next question might be “When did you buy it” or “Congratulations! What color or type is it?” This is the nature of human conversation in that we always follow up one inquisition with another, more so if the first answer leaves certain stones unturned.

Well, SearchGPT is modeled much in this same way. It understands that when you look up a subject matter, you may have additional questions resulting from what you’ve learned. That’s why SearchGPT incorporates shared context building into each query. In other words, it enables you to ask follow-up questions so you can get detailed information about your topic of interest.

3) Visual results

SearchGPT will also complement text-based results with visual elements, including videos and images, among other interactive elements. This helps you understand what a search result is all about before you click through to it. As a result, it could go on to help users get more relevant search results.

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4) ChatGPT integration

The company has officially revealed its plan to integrate SearchGPT into ChatGPT. This means that it will draw information from online sources and then channel this to ChatGPT. The platform essentially provides real-time access to the internet, which will enrich the variety of answers you can get with ChatGPT.

5) Contextualized search results

When you look up something on traditional search engines, you get a list filled with random articles and links. Now, SearchGPT will provide you with a similar list however with a key difference. The AI will be able to contextualize your search, and then provide a list that is most relevant to your needs.

In addition, it will also combine different information about the same topic. This will enable you to get much more detailed summaries about a topic without needing to rummage through several websites.

The future of search with SearchGPT

SearchGPT works a little differently from traditional search as we know. It leverages AI to enable you to dynamically interact with information via follow-up questions. What’s more, its ability to contextualize and organize search results also sets it apart. While it’s still a project very much in the pipeline, it’s safe to say that we should watch this space. SearchGPT might just be the search engine that finally gives Google a run for its money in the search engine market. But that remains to be seen and only time will tell.  

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