Various Trends that will Shape the Landscape of Web Development in 2017

Various Trends that will Shape the Landscape of Web Development in 2017


Web development has always been on an ascending trajectory ever since its conception, but the dynamism of its trends in these present times is a telling sign of unprecedented changes in the field. This is true in just about any aspect that concerns web and app development as a whole, which is why if you’re also a developer or webmaster who wants to be in the know when it comes to the said trends, then look no further than the list we’ve outlined below.

A More Personalized Approach to Web Design

With designs in the past looking pretty much the same and generic, many developers are now beginning to shed this kind of blandness and uniformity by focusing on making their style and customized designs stand out This is why in 2017, more developers are expected to not settle on website designs that adhere to Google and SE0 guidelines only. After all, more creative, aesthetically-pleasing layouts and interfaces that are truly worth highlighting are only ever bound to attract and engage users better.

The Increasing Influence of Al on Web Development

2017 is marked as the year when the effect of artificial intelligence on just about any online or digital field would start to be felt by everyone. It is expected to permeate into web development as well, all the more so since Google has already begun incorporating Al technology into their search engine. For all the ease and convenience it brings to the table, the dawn of Al is basically inevitable. Developers would be able to use apps that are powered solely by Al to not only create never-before-seen innovations and use them as tools that would only make their jobs less tasking.

Even now, there are Al-driven web apps (such as Molly) that users may freely utilize in order to build their website from scratch, even without the pre-requisite of knowing basic web design. The Al is able to receive answers to design queries that it puts forward to users, and the latter need only to answer them to start creating fundamental website elements.

Virtual Reality in Web Development

Another exciting prospect that users and developers alike can look forward to is the implementation of virtual reality into web development. This is made possible through the utilization of VR APIs, which practically makes web development possibilities limitless. With it, developers may build apps that would be able to fulfill any type of purpose, making it a trend that various businesses and corporations in myriad field should look forward to

More Focus on Microinteractions

It may not be household term for now, but these kinds of activities that users would be able to perform in websites could very well become the norm in the future. Microinteractions are basically functions in a website that make the more interactive. If you’ve encountered websites with seemingly novel capabilities such as the inclusion of animations every time you click an item in it or effects that pop up whenever you scroll down or up a page, then these are good signs that you’ve visited a website that has implemented microinteractions.

Typescript: The New Incarnation of Javascript

Javascript, arguably one of the most reliable and go-to programming language that has ever graced the digital world, has undergone another evolution in the form of Typescript. Of course, as in any kind of innovation, Typescript essentially makes Javascript programming (through refactoring and code-checking) easier for all developers. What’s good is that it uses familiar Javascript syntax, so developers would certainly not take long to get used to it It also makes use of more advanced tools that make it possible to create apps that would be easily scalable in the long run.

Keys to Success

As in any significant change to any field, it’s important for developers to pay close attention to these trends as they could really aid them in beginning a new endeavor or advancing their present projects. These are also undoubtedly vital in your brainstorming efforts, which would only allow you to get ahead of the competition in no time.

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