Naturally Man – Application Development Case Study

Naturally Man – Application Development Case Study


Naturally Man is an online store selling skincare products for men from all walks of life, irrespective of their age or profession. Combining medical science with the science of nature, Naturally Man’s men’s skincare collection offers products that nurture the skin in simple, effective ways.


The client approached Dot Com Infoway for the design and development of, the eCommerce site that features skincare products for men.
Some of the key challenges put forth by the client:


Dot Com Infoway’s development team approached client’s requirements in a two-phased strategy.

Phase I:

Phase I comprised mainly of analysis, planning and framing of action plan. Dot Com Infoway’s design and development team analyzed the client’s requirements and gauged the resources required, appropriate technology and time frame needed for completion of the site. After initial analysis, the team framed a step-by-step development action plan for building the site.

Phase II:

Phase II saw the implementation of the action plan framed in Phase I. Dot Com Infoway’s development met the challenges of the client in the following ways:


The client, extremely impressed with the output (especially the creative flash rendering of his signature), showered accolades on Dot Com Infoway’s design and development team.
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