Little Wonders Montessori

Little Wonders Montessori

Little Wonders Montessori is a family-owned child care center in Darra, Brisbane that provides a nurturing, child-centered educational experience for children between 1 to 5 years of age.

It is a community based educational service hub that actively seeks to strengthen the local community connections with families and schools, while fortifying professional partnerships with local businesses and organizations.

The Challenge:

With the growing demand and the need for a strong presence in the digital sphere, Little Wonders Montessori reached out to Dot Com Infoway to increase their school admission, primarily from their neighborhood.

Plan of Action:

  • Dot Com Infoway led the way with an exhaustive website audit, which addressed  numerous technical issues and local SEO ranking factors in the website.
  • We built competent local backlinks from high quality websites and optimized the Google My Business profile entirely to fetch top website rankings for local key-words search.

Results Achieved:

  • We helped the Client attain top rankings for the 15 high competitive keywords in the local search engine results page.
  • The number of admissions has bumped up to 60% through the effective implementation of SEO campaigns in the website.


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