
Penclusive Digital Marketing Case Study


Penclusive is an online platform designed to connect students with mentors. As a new entrant to the market, Penclusive aimed to establish its presence and attract both students seeking guidance and mentors willing to share their expertise.


  • New to Market: Being a new platform, Penclusive faced the challenge of establishing brand awareness and credibility within the competitive landscape of online education platforms.
  • Limited Visibility: With little existing brand recognition, Penclusive struggled to attract an initial user base of both students and mentors.
  • Competitive Market: Penclusive operated in a highly competitive market, where established players already offered similar services, making it challenging to differentiate itself and capture market share.
  • Target Audience Reach: Penclusive needed to effectively reach its target audience of students seeking mentorship opportunities and mentors looking to share their knowledge and experience.

Course of Action:

Social Media Marketing:

  • Utilizing LinkedIn as the primary platform, we executed targeted advertising campaigns to reach professionals interested in mentorship opportunities.
  • Engaging content showcasing the benefits of Penclusive’s platform was shared to attract both students and mentors.
  • Additionally, Influencer marketing collaborations were leveraged to further amplify Penclusive’s reach and credibility.

Paid Advertising:

  • Paid ads were predominantly deployed on LinkedIn to target professionals and students seeking mentorship opportunities.
  • Google Ads were also utilized to capture relevant search traffic, although to a lesser extent. Meta ads were used strategically to reach a broader audience.

SEO Optimization:

  • Comprehensive SEO strategies were implemented, focusing on optimizing website content, meta tags, and link building to improve Penclusive’s visibility in search engine results pages.
  • This included targeting relevant keywords related to student-mentor connections and online mentorship platforms.

Results Achieved

  • Increased Brand Awareness: Penclusive’s social media marketing efforts led to a 60% increase in brand awareness within the first three months of the campaign. This was evidenced by a rise in social media engagement metrics, a 75% increase was seen.
  • Expanded User Base: The combination of paid advertising and SEO optimization resulted in a 150% increase in website traffic, with monthly visits growing from 2,000 to 5,000. Additionally, the number of sign-ups on the Penclusive platform more than doubled.
  • Improved Search Engine Rankings: The implementation of SEO strategies led to a significant improvement in Penclusive’s search engine rankings. Within three months, the platform achieved a 50% increase in rankings for targeted keywords related to student-mentor connections, resulting in higher visibility in search engine results pages and a 100% increase in organic traffic.
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